{{::bruce_hughes_profile.png?nolink&200|}} ==== Bruce Hughes ==== === Bio === Bruce Hughes is a career multilevel marketing (MLM) promotor having been involved in Karatbars and the Karatbars reboot FreeBay and Gold Standard Bank (GSB). He is member of a team called GiHugeness, that at its top consists of [[andreweaton|Andrew Eaton]], [[brucehughes|Bruce Hughes]] and [[brendonearpjones|Brendon Earp-Jones]]. He also runs a training academy called [[https://www.thecrypknow.com/|the Cryp Know]]. === Previous Schemes === * [[karatbars|Karatbars]](({{ ::bruce_hughes.png}})) * [[freebay|Freebay]](({{ ::bruce_hughes.png}})) * [[gold_standard_bank| Gold Standard Bank]] * [[kbc|KBC]](({{ ::bruce_hughes.png}})) * [[V999]](({{ ::bruce_hughes.png}})) * [[G999]](({{ ::bruce_hughes.png}}))(({{ ::bruce_hughes_g999.png}}))(({{:155945636_10158925696156271_2590701317597687197_n.jpg}})) * [[lifestyle_galaxy|Lifestyle Galaxy]]