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Russell Jacob

Russel Jacobs was an MTI presenter. Although he made his channel videos private1), a simple Google search shows how many times his presentation was referenced2). His Twitter feed shows that he previously also invested and promoted Karatbars3). From his YouTube channel, it can be seen he also promotes Finalmente, Mind Capital, and Lifestyle Galaxy4).

Through the recent MTI hacks it was uncovered that Russell (via his MTI account “CryptoRuss”) had 46 downlines at the time, and withdrew approximately 4.58 BTC, while only depositing 0.03 BTC. In this phone conversation (ZIP file), Russell can be heard saying he hasn't withdrawn any of his BTC from MTI.

This means the bulk of Russell's income was made from referrals and bonuses from his downline as he he only put in a small amount of his own funds.

Although it has been proven that the leaders of MTI withdrew millions and benefitted unduly from the scheme before the dramatic collapse, Russell was seen to complain about MTI management taking alledged abuse on social media, including himself.

After the collapse of BTC Global, Russell continued to call people ignorant that believed so and insisted that “BTC Global has gone nowhere and is still up and running”. Due to this delusional behavior shown, it is recommended that extreme caution is taken before taking advice from Russell for any business opportunities.

His company, Rus Solutions (Pty) Ltd is in the process of deregistration as he has never submitted an annual return since establishment in 2010. 5).

The MTI data leak shows the following amounts were deposited and withdrawn by Russell.

russelljacob.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/09 13:42 by spxdxrbxtxs